Tomi Adesina was born in Lagos, Nigeria. She is a fiction blogger and screenwriter. Using WordPress as a platfrom to promote her writing, Tomi now has 10,000 plus followers.  In 2013, she won the Nigerian Blog Awards for her blog fiction series and in 2015 her screenplay on cyberbullying (Feisty John) won the Homevida Prize. She also won the Nigerian Writers Award for Best Young Writer in 2015 and her short stories have been featured in magazines across Africa. Read on to learn more about Tomi Adesina.

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

My name is Tomi Adesina. I am a screenwriter, a poet, a fiction series blogger and now, an author. I have a Bsc. in Microbiology from Bowen University and a Master’s degree from the University of Lagos in Environmental Biology.

When did you first start writing?

Writing is the only thing I remember knowing how to do, so I’d probably not be able to date it. But when it comes to blogging, I started blogging fiction in 2012 and I began writing screenplays for TV in 2013.

What inspires you?

More like who inspires me and that is God. God has provided so many things which I draw my inspiration from. I also draw my inspiration from nature, people, life, music and different forms of art. Inspiration can also rise from a moment of prayer or a moment of pain. I derive inspiration from almost anything because of the abundance provided by God.

Have you ever experienced writer’s block?

Well, if it’s going by the definition of not having anything to write or getting stuck, yes. Almost everyone gets stuck at a point in time.

Can you tell us about your recent book?

George’s Pieces of Me is a collection of poems and short stories that revolve around the complexities of human existence. The first part of the book which are poems follow the life and time of the character, George, while the second part of the book, the prose part elucidates human stories from characters perspectives. It would take you on a ride, you’d laugh, maybe cry and smile in the process.

Can you tell us about the challenges you faced in getting your first book published and how you surmounted them?

I had many pieces I wanted published as my first book and I had taken steps towards it but the challenge was money.  Then when I had the funds to go ahead with the book I’d have published ahead of George’s Pieces of Me (GPOM), I wasn’t satisfied with the work and I still am not, so I had to push it back and think of something else and that was how GPOM was born. It was also a hurdle trying to run around to get the book to this stage of being published but I had the support of family and friends who have been very helpful in seeing this come to a reality. I am very grateful for their support.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Just write! That’s the first thing you can do. Another important thing is to seek growth. It is important to grow and develop yourself and your craft so that you can one day see it at the stage you’ve always dreamed of.


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Distribution: George’s Pieces of Me is available on Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Buboox, Patabah Books.

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